Bournemouth University

School of Applied Sciences

The Archaeology of the Cross Channel Neolithic


This major international conference is organised by the Prehistoric Society and BU's Archaeology Group in association with the Neolithic Studies Group and the Société Préhistorique Française.

When and where

Friday 6 May - Sunday 8 May 2011
Starts 5.30pm (Fri) - Ends 4.00pm (Sun)
Bournemouth University
Bournemouth House
19 Christchurch Road
£59 (Delegate Fee) £20 (Student Fee - Valid NUS card will be required).

Archaeological work on both sides of the English Channel / la Manche in recent years has started to throw new light on the origins and development of early farming communities in the Channel coastlands (and further afield in Britain and Ireland) during the fifth and fourth millennia BC, and on the issue of cross-Channel contact.

Consideration will be given to artefacts, burial monuments, enclosures, lifeways, and ceremonial sites on either side of the Channel and on the islands in between. What are the similarities and differences? How do the dates of major components compare? Can we refine our narrative of Neolithicization in Britain and Ireland with specific reference to the Continental material? What were the processes and social practices that promoted or restricted cross-Channel contacts? And how do recent discoveries impact on available models for explaining and understanding of the Neolithic of the Channel coastlands?

The conference aims to pool knowledge from archaeologists working on both sides of the Channel, highlighting new discoveries and disseminating the results of recent research to new audiences. Abstracts will be available in English and French. There will be time devoted to discussion and questions. Offers of posters relating to the themes of the conference are invited, and there will be displays of publications for sale.

Conference programme

You can download a provisional conference programme (PDF - 79kb).

Resources and facilities

Refreshments and lunch are not included, however there are a number of cafes and restaurants in the area.

If you require accommodation there are a number of hotels and guest house in the area to suit all budgets and tastes. A full list of accommodation can be found on the Official Guide to Bournemouth website.

Further Information

The conference organisers are Professor Timothy Darvill and Alison Sheridan.

Any enquiries should be made by email to Rebecca Dolling or call 44 + (0) 1202 961754.