Bournemouth University

School of Applied Sciences

BU academic provides commentary in Guardian

Date: 5 April 2011

Yvette Staelens researches folk dance heritage

BU academic provides commentary in Guardian.

Senior Lecturer in Heritage and Museums, Yvette Staelens, contradicted the recent Guardian newspaper article, 'Folk's man of mystery: is Cecil Sharp a folk hero or villain?'.

Staelens says the original article written by Colin Irwin of the Guardian newspaper, suggested 'peddling myths and prejudices', that are simply not in line with the facts. In her commentary, she presents findings from her Heritage research, 'The Singing Landscape Project', carried out at Bournemouth University.

The project aims to investigate generations of English folk singers to provide a resource for musical researchers and family historians, as well as increasing cultural awareness of English folk song and dance in the west of England. Find out more about The Singing Landscape Project on our Research pages.

Read Staelens's commentary in the Guardian on the Guardian's website.