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BPS Wessex Branch (Dorset Hub) Event, an event open to all on July 20. |
Dr Barbara Dyer, a member of the BPS Wessex Branch and DTRP, and an Associate Dean in the School of HSC at BU will give an informal presentation and discussion on "How I have used Psychology in my career" on Wednesday 20th July 2011 at 4.30pm.
The event will be held at the Bournemouth House (Room B407), part of Bournemouth University’s Lansdowne Campus, a map of which can be seen here.
Prior to the talk and following it, we will provide refreshments for those attendees who have booked a place. This will give you an opportunity to discuss the talk informally with Barbara and for networking with the Dorset Hub committee and other attendees.
The times are as follows:
Please e-mail Andrea Lacey if you have any questions, or to book a place.
How I have used ‘psychology’ in my career (an informal presentation and discussion)
Dr Barbara Dyer joined Bournemouth University’s School of Health and Social Care (HSC) in 2000 having initially taught Psychology GCSE and A level in Adult Education and was appointed to the post of Associate Dean (Undergraduate Students) in 2009. Previous posts held within the University include Psychology Lecturer, Senior Lecturer on the Interprofessional project, Coordinator of Student Experience and Grade 9 for Interprofessional Learning. Barbara has been a Graduate Member of the British Psychological Society since 1997 and in April 2011, was granted Chartered Status with election to full membership to the Division of Teachers and Researchers in Psychology. Her Doctorate in Education was completed with the Open University in 2008 and focused on enhancement of her facilitation of reflective learning of first year mental health student nurses.
In partnership with an Executive Lead, she project managed and implemented from September 2005 an interprofessional element into all professional curricula representing 25% of programmes at all three academic levels. In 2008, she successfully led the Review of the Undergraduate Curriculum, which built on lessons learned from the extant curricula. She has continued to teach on the Interprofessional level H Teamworking and Communication in Health and Social Care unit and is a unit leader for Practice Development 2 on the BA (Hons) Early Years, Care and Education level H top up programme, drawing respectively on organisational and developmental psychology.
In her current post as Associate Dean for Undergraduate Students, she remains committed to enhancement of the student experience and represents the School on a number of Student Experience and Quality Assurance and Enhancement Committees.
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