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Rachel Jones BBC Radio One Producer is a Bournemouth Graduate
Rachel Jones tells us about her time at The Media School

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Rachel Jones is the producer of BBC Radio 1's Breakfast Show, which has 10 million listeners across the UK!

With a rich heritage of nearly 30 years in youth broadcasting, the station is a powerful part of the BBC global brand, and Bournemouth graduate Rachel Jones is running the show – literally!

Rachel Jones

The tutors were really good and always helpful, pushing us and making us learn new things...they helped me write letters to stations and encouraged me to do work experience at local radio to build up my experience.

Rachel graduated from Bournemouth in 1995 with a BA (Hons) in Media Production. Her ambition had always been to become a producer within music broadcasting. 'I looked into universities offering media courses and my school told me that Bournemouth was one of the best' says Rachel.

'The course gave me knowledge in everything relevant to media: law, editorial and hands on practical skills. I also worked on the student magazine NERVE while I was there which meant that when I started doing work experience I was confident to go straight into a studio and use the equipment. These are skills that I won’t ever forget and I use them on a daily basis.'

Rachel Jones Produces BBC Radio 1 Breakfast Show

My degree course was really specific and I learnt a lot of practical skills.

Rachel recognises the value of the staff at Bournemouth in helping her to achieve her aims.'The tutors knew that I wanted to work at Radio 1 and they sat down with me and helped me write letters to stations and encouraged me to do work experience at local radio. Having a degree opened up lots of gateways after I graduated.'

'I started eight years ago as a Broadcast Assistant at Radio 1 and have been producing the station’s flagship breakfast show for nearly 2 years now. I am very proud of myself as I have one of the top jobs in radio production and I want to keep going. I am an ambitious person and I would like to go into management in radio or try my hand at American radio to add more strings to my bow.'

Rachel Jones at the BBC

The course also gave me research skills and I learnt about law and legal guidelines, which are essential to my job. These are things that I won't ever forget and that I will always need to know.

'Even now I keep refreshing my knowledge and skills and continue to be creative, making programmes and documentaries, using the skills I learned at Bournemouth University which have given me great foundations for the job I do and love.'

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