Conference programme

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Thursday 16th April
11:00 Registration desk opens
13:00 Opening comments
13:20 Gabrielle Macho: "Linking morphology, behaviour and ecology: how reliable are inferences from fragmentary hominin remains?"
14:05 Jacklyn J. Ellis: "Correlates of stress and anxiety in wild male olive baboons (Papio hamadryas anubis) in Gashaka-Gumti National Park, Nigeria"
14:25 Lauren J N Brent: "Social networks in adult female rhesus macaques"
14:40 Denise Bailey: "The Jane Goodall organisation"
15:00 Tea/Poster viewing
15:30 Sarah Elton: "Form and function in the primate skeleton: guenon case studies16:15 Katharine Balolia Sexual dimorphism and extended cranial growth in the great apes: links between morphology and social behaviour"
16:35 Lisa Riley: "Cognitive enrichment in chimpanzees"
16:55 Colleen Schaffner & Todd Rae: Presentation skills workshop
18:00 Jan van Hooff Darwin with a smile - PUBLIC LECTURE
19:00 Forage for own dinner/Pub

Friday 17th April
09:00 Andrea Cardini & Sarah Elton: "Introduction to Morphometrics" Workshop
10:30 Coffee/Poster viewing
11:00 Todd Rae: "Applying numbers to the three Fs: form, function, and phylogeny"
11:45 Nick Davis: "The impact of social events on urinary cortisol in zoo housed spider monkeys"
12:05 Claire Santorelli: "Vocal traditions in communities of wild spider monkeys"
12:25 Lunch
13:30 Robin Crompton: "Biomechanical analysis of the Laetoli footprint trails"
14:15 Erica Kempf: "Patterns of water use in primates"
14:35 Marina Kenyon: TBA
14:55 TBA
15:15 Tea/Poster viewing
15:45 William C McGrew: "Sex differences in sibling caretaking by cotton-top tamarins: acquiring skills or paying dues?"
16:05 TBA
16:25 Robin Dunbar: "Darwin, Time and Morphology: Constraints on Sociality in Primates and their Implications for Evolution"
17:10 Student prizes
17:30 Closing remarks  

Saturday 18th April Marwell Zoo excursion