Conference background

Image copyright of Ron Davies

The recent MA report entitled ‘The Tomorrow People: Entry to the museum workforce’ written and researched by Maurice Davies (2007) indicated that there are 529 students undertaking full- and part-time Museum studies courses of which 372 students were based in the UK. With similar numbers of students completing courses each year it is felt that there should be a place and opportunity for these students and new professionals to share their experiences of Masters and Doctoral degrees and also, for those in their first years within the museums sector.

The ‘New Professionals Conference’ will give current and newly qualified students a platform from which to present any research.

It will also provide the ideal opportunity for networking with other scholars and museum professionals. Networking is a key element to career success and this conference aims to start that process. Focused upon current thinking and research, the NPC is your chance to create an impact, meet new colleagues and find those working in your field.

The cost of the conference is minimal to enable all to attend.

Currently, there are no other symposia, conferences or colloquia that give museum studies students from across the UK, or internationally, the opportunity to come together and present research or professional practice and understanding.

Bournemouth University is rapidly establishing itself as a leading centre for professional museum studies attracting a quality international cohort each year. For more information about the MA in Museums Studies at Bournemouth University, please follow this link: MA Museums Studies.

For further enquiries about the degree course, please contact Yvette Staelens.

Event collaborators