Professor praised for innovative work in eTourism

Professor Dimitrios Buhalis

Professor Dimitrios Buhalis

On the 17 February 2010 BU for Professor Buhalis’ inaugural lecture in a stand only Lecture Theatre at Bournemouth University.

Introduced by BU Vice Chancellor Professor Paul Curran, Buhalis was praised for his innovative work in Tourism and Technology and the dynamic contribution to Bournemouth University.

During the lecture, titled ‘eTourism strategies 2020’, Professor Buhalis reflected on his 20 years of research into tourism management, strategy and the impact of Information Computer Technologies (ICT) on the industry.

Commenting on the future of eTourism, Professor Buhalis highlighted virtual experiences, augmented reality and user generated content as significant factors.

Professor Buhalis explained that the eTourism agenda that his research team in Bournemouth University will be focusing in will include a number of topics including:

And he encouraged colleagues from across the University as well as private and public sector from the region to collaborate for taking this agenda forward.

This was a multi-media lecture watched around the world and throughout the lecture the audience at Bournemouth as well as those who were watching virtually were participating in the discussion via several platforms including Twitter, Facebook and email.