Student Radio BIRSts into Life

BIRSt website BU’s student-managed internet radio station - BIRSt - is back ‘on the air’

The innovative and interactive station returns with a fresh range of programmes 'on demand' for listeners the world over.

This year, BIRSt celebrates its seventh anniversary.

The station broadcasts entirely on the internet where visitors can choose from a range of pre-recorded programmes - drama and features to comedy and music.

Some programmes are produced by international students in their own languages.

Over the years BIRSt has introduced a number of broadcasting innovations including the creation of the world’s first ‘Bouncing Story,’ jointly created by Bournemouth students and their counterparts at Ryerson University in Toronto, Canada.

More recently, in October 2005, BIRSt introduced its first programmes for downloadable podcasts.

BIRSt can only be heard via the internet on

News 24 January 2007

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