Design Graduate scoops two national awards

19 October 2011

Darren Jones

BU graduate has won two national awards for his fire safety product.

Darren Jones, a BSC Hons Computer Aided Product Design graduate has won two prestigious prizes for fire safety product Freedor.

The product won best mechanical product and young designer engineer of the year award at the British Engineering Excellence Awards. Darren’s product Freedor also won best passive protection product at the Fire Excellence Awards 2011.

Freedor is a product which is designed to hold fire doors open and allow them to close in an event of a fire, which removes any need for installation.

Darren says how his placement managed to help shape his products success:

“It feels absolutely incredible to have the hard work of two years recognised with these awards, having taken the product from initial conception to be able to install it in the likes of the British Museum.  The idea for the product was first spoken about during my placement year with the company and I was lucky enough to develop it when Fireco offered me a job post-graduation.”

Darren goes on to credit the course he studied at Bournemouth University which provided him with an inspiring foundation for future advancement:

“The knowledge and skills I gained from Bournemouth during my four years have become invaluable during my professional career.”

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